March 4th

Awake, won't shake you, already said goodbye
There's just no point to wake you up for one last cry
Unsure, unsteady, but outside my head I'm ready
Just one more glance and then a sigh

Stand up, march forth, march forward
Be scared but not a coward
We'll choose our fate but not our time
Some calls have to be answered 
Run toward not turning backwards
This time we can't just fall in line

Keepsake, my pocket, I'm gripping tight your locket
The one you gave me our last night
Its warmth invokes me, to take this final journey
I'll go down swinging for what's right

They made these choices for us
Their ignorance informed us
Our hands been forced we won't resign
This book still has blank pages 
We broke apart the cages
A tiger by the tail will bite

Reflecting back on calmer days
Sharing apples in the summer
As the tide rolled in the bay
And the laughter crossed the water
We didn't know we were before and we knew not of the after
But we sensed life speeding up
We could feel it moving faster