SOmetimes It's the good that go to hell

I tried to live a better way an honest man was heard  to say
And when I die I hope the church rings bells
I hope they light a flame for me I hope they pray at liturgy
I hope its not the good that go to hell
I spent my whole life biding time
I really played it safe so heaven would be mine
I tried to live a better way an honest man was heard to say
I hope it's not the good that go to hell

Then came a man with no concern he never cared if he would burn
You couldn't trust the twinkle in his eye
He said you and me are two of three 
we need to make the trinity
The devil is the third he's standing by

Don't spend your whole life wasting time
There ain't a heaven and if there's a hell its fine
Don't try to live a better way a crooked man was heard to say
Because it's true good people go to hell

And when you say your prayers before you lay your head at night
Keeping the faith that you'll be heard 
Ask for forgiveness if you don't think that you've done it right
Hope there's some power in those words

I've seen the world turn many ways 
I've seen the good have awful days
I've seen the worst of people get rewards
It looks to be a tragedy that justice is to blind to see that...
sometimes it's the good that go to hell